
Maple in the Classroom is a partnership between teachers and local maple producers with the goal of educating students about the different aspects of maple syrup production.  

Teachers choose to implement maple syrup curriculum in their classrooms in many different ways; some focusing on the science of maple syrup production and others branching into the culinary, forestry or agricultural aspects of the subject.  

The great thing about Maple in the Classroom is that it is relevant to every grade level and all ages of students get very excited at the prospect of making syrup at school. Maple in the Classroom programming is a great hands-on way to teach science and can introduce students to future career paths they may not have previously considered.  

Once you have decided to bring maple to your classroom you will need to decide what content you would like to cover with your students.  Teachers will gain access to lesson plans available through the Maple in the Classroom program and are also able to create their own that are tailored to their classroom and subject area. 

 If you need assistance creating lesson plans or have questions Maple Coordinators, Kate Fotos and Arlee Hiskey, are available to help.  

All teachers are paired with a local syrup producer who can help to answer questions and will be involved in the collecting and processing of sap.  Teachers will be able to give sap collected on school grounds to producers in exchange for syrup.